
Brand — 品牌视觉系统 / Visual Identity / VI

理想的上海建筑设计研究院有限公司(以下简称“上海院”)品牌结构必须定有简单、直接和描述精细的品牌策略,协助上海院清楚无误地在瞬息万变的市场中展现其独特的地位。 上海院的品牌理念及视觉识别是经过长时间的深入分析和研究发展所得。上海院品牌所代表的精神、品牌价值、个性以及主要的品牌元素,上海院传播平台的主要概念。我们希望界定上海院品牌对内部和对外部对象所代表的意义。我们为上海院品牌标识创造了多个组成部分,以反映和支持上海院的公司文化、品牌平台。揭示了品牌对于当前的意义,提出了品牌如何塑造将来。它为所有创意和策略性活动指明方向,是综合品牌系统的脊髓。保持所有视觉及语言传播材料风格贯彻一致,在应用标识时力求准确,这些守则对发挥品牌力量达至企业目标至为关键。


The ideal brand structure for Shanghai Architecture Design and Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Institute") must have a simple, straightforward and well-described brand strategy that helps Shanghai Institute to clearly and unambiguously present its unique position in a rapidly changing market. The brand concept and visual identity of Shanghai Academy was developed after a long period of in-depth analysis and research. The spirit, brand values, personality and key brand elements represented by the Shanghai Institute brand, the main concept of the Shanghai Institute communication platform. We wanted to define what the Shanghai Institute brand represents to internal and to external audiences. We created multiple components for the Shanghai Academy brand identity to reflect and support the company culture, and brand platform of Shanghai Academy. It reveals what the brand means for the present and suggests how the brand will shape the future. It provides direction for all creative and strategic activities and is the spinal cord of an integrated branding system. Maintaining consistency in the style of all visual and verbal communication materials and striving for accuracy in the application of the logo are key to leveraging the power of the brand to achieve corporate goals.

Shanghai Institute, formerly known as Shanghai Civil Building Design Institute, was established in 1953, is a comprehensive architectural design institute with qualifications in engineering consulting, architectural engineering design, urban planning, building intelligence and system engineering design, and is also one of the largest design companies in China and the world, and is rated as a "high-tech enterprise" in the architectural design industry. "With 70 years of accumulation and development, the history of Shanghai Institute is closely linked with the development of the country and the city in various periods, leaving a page of remarkable chapters in the history of the construction of new China.

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